Minulla on ollut myös iso projekti pistää koko huoneeni taas pahvilaatikoihin, sillä tulen kesän jälkeen muuttamaan huonetta. Onneksi tällä kertaa en kuitenkaan joudu muuttamaan aivan toiseen asuntoon, koska en yhtään jaksaisi alkaa kantelemaan laatikoitani ympäri Utrechtiä. Yleensä tällaisen projektin hoitaa 1-2 päivässä, mutta näiden helteiden vuoksi en ole jaksanut edetä projektissani paljoakaan. ON NIIN KUUMA! En ole kyllä ikuisuuksiin hikoillut yhtä paljon kuin viime päivinä.
Vielä pari päivää töitä edessä ja sitten yksi viimeinen loma päivä ennen Suomea, jonka vuoksi palaan kunnolla sitten blogini pariin Suomesta käsin. Tällä hetkellä on vaan niin kiirettä, ettei vain yksinkertaisesti aika riitä bloggailuun. Tästä postauksesta tuli nyt hieman tällainen sää/kuulumispostaus, mutta sitten Suomen puolella aion pitää teidät paljon paremmin ajantasalla. Kohta olen kotona! Loppuun vielä hieman puhelinkuvia viime päiviltä.
Hello from the long waited holiday. It has been a bit more quiet in my blog the past weeks but I must admit that I have sort of been avoiding my laptop a lot. I am not even interested of Netflix right now because I have tried to spend all my days outside with my friends. Also I think my mind connects my laptop with school, so no thanks hah! This weather here is slowly driving me crazy because there is some crazy heat wave going on, and everyday the past week it has been over +30 degrees and it is soooo humid, so all I can do is sweat. This is why I have been very unproductive and slow but anyways I have been biking a lot, doing bbq, and just enjoyed the sun. We also found a peeeeerfect place for summer days like these. In about half an hour bike ride, there is this beautiful and big lake which is surrounded by this amazing nature reserve area. And the water in the lake was so perfectly warm so that we could swim there the whole day. I am a bit upset that I never found this place before because this lake was exactly like the lakes in Finland. Felt like I was home. Even though I am slowly being done with this heat, I can only be thankful of this weather. Normally the weather here in June is just cold and rainy, and now it is just the opposite. I am just super happy that I could have some of these super warm days before I go to Finland.
I have a big project going on right now because I need to pack my whole room into bags since after summer I will be changing to another room in this house. Luckily this time I don't need to move to a complete other house, because I would not have the energy to carry my stuff all around. Anyways, normally a project like this takes from one to two days, but just because of this heat I have been super super slow. IT IS SO HOT! I really don't remember when I have been sweating as much as during the past days.
But still, two more working days ahead of me, and one more free day before I am officially going home. That is why I will be more focused on my blog once I arrive to Finland. Right now it is just way too busy to blog more. So talk to you in Finland!
I have a big project going on right now because I need to pack my whole room into bags since after summer I will be changing to another room in this house. Luckily this time I don't need to move to a complete other house, because I would not have the energy to carry my stuff all around. Anyways, normally a project like this takes from one to two days, but just because of this heat I have been super super slow. IT IS SO HOT! I really don't remember when I have been sweating as much as during the past days.
But still, two more working days ahead of me, and one more free day before I am officially going home. That is why I will be more focused on my blog once I arrive to Finland. Right now it is just way too busy to blog more. So talk to you in Finland!