Olen siis edelleen hengissä, en vain ole pystynyt kirjoittamaan viime aikoina tämän koestressin takia. Vielä pitäisi jaksaa muutama hassu päivä, ja sitten kevätloma alkaa! Kouluahan meillä on nyt huhtikuussa sen tasan kaksi päivää, ja muuten on lomaa, että kyllä mieleni juoksee jo lomalla ihan täysin. Tosin koska kesätöistä ei oikein vissiin nyt tullut mitään, niin päätin haalia huhtikuulle ihan roimasti sitten töitä. Joten kesällä laiskotellaan, ja huhtikuussa käydään töissä! Saimme myös uuden lukujärjestyksen loppu lukuvuodelle, ja ai että olen rakastunut. Meillä on koulua ainoastaan tiistaina ja keskiviikkona, joten rannat, huvipuistot, kaupungit, kesäyöt, ja kaverit, olen valmis!
I had to have a pancake break between studying. Homemade and so yummy! |
Ah, this spring! Now I want to send a message especially to Finland, because if you take a two hour flight to Holland, you will be experiencing the sun from a clear sky and 22 degrees warmness!! The weather has been like this the past days and you cannot imagine how difficult it has been for me to stay inside and study for my exam which will be on Monday. Sad. Luckily I can open my window and the sun can then shine on my bed, so I already managed to get some tan. Today I left the house with only a dress and a jacket on, but do you know the feeling when you decide to wear something but then realize you just look completely different from everyone else around you? I felt a bit weird and naked because obviously everyone was still wearing long pants and shirts. I mean it is still only March. Of course I spotted few other ones with only a dress on, but still. I felt very naked hah! It was not summer summer yet. But my point is that it is definitely warm enough to go outside with only a tiny dress on.
So, I am still alive, but I haven't managed to write much here because of my exam stress. I still need to survive a couple of days and then it is time for a spring break! Actually next month we only have two days of school, so it is going to be a long long and nice holiday. Unfortunately I am afraid I didn't manage to get a summer job from Finland this year, so I decided instead to work a lot next month. This is why my holiday will go mainly working, but still it is no school. We also got a new schedule for the rest of the school year, and oh my gosh! We only will have school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, which means a lot of barbecues, friends, parties, beaches, cities, and staying up all nights. I really cannot wait!
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